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Text File  |  1991-08-20  |  10KB  |  157 lines

  2.  Category: Desktop Publishers and Desktop Publishing Utilities
  3.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4.  Code to Code                                        4.0    2431
  5.  Desktop Paint                                       2.3    2546
  6.  DIEGO1                                              1.2    2282
  7.  Dropcaps                                            10/90  2554
  8.  Heidelbe                                            1.0    2282
  9.  Rubicon Publisher                                   2.2C   2334, 2335, 2336
  10.  Typesetter PC                                       1.8    2167, 2168
  12.  Category: Typing, Education
  13.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14.  PC-FASTYPE/CGA                                      4.1    0320
  15.  PC-Fastype/Mono                                     1.1    2254
  16.  PC-TOUCH                                            2.0    0249
  17.  Touch Type Tutor                                    3.4    1334
  18.  TP-ET                                               1.0    2748
  19.  Typing                                              1.1    0793
  21.  Category: Wordprocessor and Text Utilities
  22.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23.  Alchemy Desktop Publishing Utilities                1      1360
  24.  AnyWord                                             1.06   1200
  25.  Armada Utilities                                    1      1376
  26.  Asc2com                                             1.75   1948
  27.  Autonum                                             1.0    1101
  28.  AVScripter                                          4.0    1028
  29.  BIBLIO                                              1.0    0935
  30.  Book                                                1.0    1807
  31.  Breaker                                             1.00.  0978
  32.  CAPBUF                                              1.4    1958
  33.  CleanUp                                             1.01   1818
  34.  ConvDW                                              1.2    2346
  35.  CopyFit-It                                          1.1    0898
  36.  DCA Conversion for PC-Write                         1.01   1295
  37.  Doc Master                                          1.4    0950
  38.  DocuHelp                                            1.05   1820
  39.  Dovetail III                                        3.1    0877
  40.  EasyEdit II                                         3.4    2274
  41.  EasyType                                            3.11   1664
  42.  Elray Software Legal Disk Dictionary                1.0    1576
  43.  Every Other Page                                    2.5    1428
  44.  Executive Editor                                    1.5    1829
  45.  EZCount                                             2.0    0724
  46.  File Browser                                        2.00   1398
  47.  Grab Plus with LaserLabel                           6.0    1145, 2567
  48.  Index Maker                                         2.0    2347
  49.  Intext Multilingual Wordprocessing                  1.2A   2281
  50.  JORJ                                                4.01   2489, 2490
  51.  LetterWriter                                        3.1    0719
  52.  Maillist                                            5.11   1506
  53.  MDTS - Member and Donation Tracking System          4.2    1791
  54.  MiniMax                                             1.5    1829
  55.  MMSORT & MMREPORT DOCS                              1.4    1868
  56.  MorePerfick                                         1.0    0759
  57.  MSP Document Processing Utility                     1.2    0935
  58.  Multi-Merge                                         3.06   1152
  59.  MultiWord                                           1.2    2743
  60.  Neat Text Formatter                                 3.0    1540
  61.  ParaSort                                            4.21   1858
  62.  PC-BROWSE                                           1.01   1670, 1671
  63.  PC-Write Font Selector                              1.1    1267
  64.  PC-Write Macros                                     1.3B   1457
  65.  PC-Write Macros, Volume 2                           1.0B   2285
  66.  PC-WRITE Pagemaker Import Filter                    1.1    1267
  67.  Pen Pal                                             1.04   1570
  68.  PRO-CR                                              2.02   2269
  69.  PROINDEX                                            2.23   0977
  70.  Quattro & 1-2-3 to WordPerfect                      1.02   2002
  71.  Qwik Help                                           4.00   2270
  72.  ReadIt                                              2.0    1687
  73.  REFLIST                                             3.51   0231
  74.  SeekEasy                                            5.0    0820
  75.  Shuffles                                                   1312
  76.  Stripper                                            1.00.  0978
  77.  SXU                                                 2.1    0962
  78.  Text/File Handling Utility                          1.0    1404
  79.  TextCon                                             1.72   2346
  80.  TextOut/5                                           2.0    2346
  81.  THE EDITING KEYPADS                                 3.89   1574
  82.  The Wordsmith Newsletter Kit                        1.01   1974
  83.  Thesaur -- A Thesaurus program                      4.2    1245
  84.  Thesaur Plus                                        2.2    1245
  85.  Vernon Buerg's List                                 7.5F   2565
  86.  Word Processing Preview System                      1.0    0415
  87.  Writer's Heaven                                     5.0B   0759
  89.  Category: Wordprocessors, Text Editors, and Outliners
  90.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  91.  BlackBeard                                          V7.37  0611
  92.  Boxer Text Editing System                           3.03   2629
  93.  CopyCon                                             3.12   2029
  94.  E!                                                  4.0    1615
  95.  E88 Text Editor                                     4.22   1102
  96.  ESL Writer                                          V1     0899, 0900
  97.  EZX-Word                                            W30    2494
  98.  FILE!                                               1.01   1893
  99.  Freeword                                            2.00   1084
  100.  Galaxy Lite (by Starlite)                           1.7    2318, 7034
  101.  GEdit                                               1.50   2714
  102.  Jove                                                1.3    1429, 1430, 1454
  103.  KEDITOR                                             2.1    1643, 1665
  104.  MEGA-STAR                                           1.0    1766
  105.  MICRO-EMACS                                         1      1431, 1455
  106.  New York Edit                                       2.10   0829
  107.  New York Word                                       2.30   0528
  108.  NOVA  (formerly Galaxy)                             1.0    2582
  109.  PC-Ted                                              1.5    0898
  110.  PC-Type                                             4.0    0455, 0681, 0682, 2566
  111.  PC-WRITE                                            3.04   0078, 0627, 1235, 7050, 7403
  112.  PC-WRITE LITE                                       1.03   2090, 2091
  113.  pEDIT                                               2.0    2352
  114.  Phoenix Word                                        1.0    1770
  115.  Programmer's Editor                                 1.00   0880
  116.  PTE                                                 1.2    2259
  117.  QEdit Advanced                                      2.08   1783
  118.  QIP - The Quick Information Processor               1.1    1477, 1478, 1479, 1480
  119.  Ravitz Editor (RE)                                  1.09   2424
  120.  RGB^TechWriter                                      2.23   1368
  121.  SageWords                                           5.0    1170
  122.  Technical Editor                                    2.0    2526
  123.  The "perfect" Editor                                2.76   2776
  124.  Visual Display Editor (VDE)                         1.61   1273
  125.  W - The Note Writer                                 1.1    2460
  126.  W-ED                                                1986   0415
  127.  WORD FUGUE                                          2.0    1970, 1971
  128.  WordMaster                                          1.41   1686
  130.  Category: Wordprocessors, Education
  131.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  132.  The ECC Learning Systems for Beginning WordPerfect  1.0    1338
  134.  Category: Writing and Composition Aids
  135.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  136.  1001 Topics for Composition                         1.00   1088
  137.  Basic English                                       1.0    1181
  138.  Book Report                                         1.00   1088
  139.  Cliche Finder                                       1.5    1525
  140.  CONGRESS-PCW                                        07/17  1821
  141.  CONGRESS-WP                                         07/17  1822
  142.  Creativity Package                                  3.0    2075, 2076, 2077
  143.  Do-It-Yourself Legal Forms                          11/03  1949
  144.  Form Letters                                        1.00   0388
  145.  Govern-US                                                  1666
  146.  Handwriting Analyst                                 2.1    1050
  147.  Idea Tree                                           1.01.  1888
  148.  Invent                                              2.1    1181
  149.  Mastery Learning:  Grammar                          11/89  1847, 1848, 1849, 1850
  150.  Names                                               1.00   1102
  151.  Poetease                                            1.1    1181
  152.  Poetry Generator                                    1.1    1166
  153.  Readability Plus                                    2.0    2333
  154.  Styled/Stylist                                      3.0    1181
  155.  THS English Tutorial                                1      1742, 1743